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Jingle Jam 2019

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Get your game on and give back this Christmas.

The Yogscast’s epic month-long fundraiser ‘Jingle Jam’ is back!

The Yogscast Jingle Jam is a festive online fundraising event led by the superstars of the gaming world, The Yogscast. Based right here in Bristol, the gaming content producers run one of the most influential streams in the country.

Games galore on Apollo Ward!

Every December, they team up with fundraising website Humble Bundle to give avid gamers the chance to buy a bundle of over 60 games at a fraction of the regular price.

Here’s the incredible part: ALL the proceeds from these bundles of gaming goodies will benefit eight hand-picked charities and even better, you can choose to donate 100% of your purchase this year to help patients at Bristol Children’s Hospital. In just seven years, the Jingle Jam has raised $15 million for good causes around the world, and has cemented itself as a force for good in the gaming world!

How can I buy a bundle?

If you would like to support us and get your game on, visit Humble Bundle to purchase your bundle which enables you to donate 100% of the proceeds to us. The awesome bundle of gaming goodies includes over 60 games, add-ons, downloadable content, with new games added daily throughout December.

We’re amazed by the generosity of The Yogscast community and want to thank them for their continued support. We know the money raised from this year’s Jingle Jam will make a real difference to children and their families from across the South West.

Patients on Apollo Ward getting their game on!
Patients on Apollo Ward getting their game on!

Your NEW fundraising Events Guide is here!