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We want to hear about your experience of Bristol Children’s Hospital or the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Read about some of the amazing patients at Bristol Children's Hospital and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Harry was shot in the head at 18 months old - and eight years later, he's fundraising for his ward.
Lily only lived for four weeks, but made an infinite impact.
Hope went through leukaemia treatment for over five months.
Ben was six when he was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour.
Lillian went through open heart surgery at just 11 days old.
Sarah was born weighing just 500 grams - but a year on, she's thriving.
Joey had just a 50% chance at life - but look at him now.
Jade was born at just 25 weeks old when her mum fell very ill during pregnancy.
Tommy had a rare condition called CHARGE syndrome.
We want to hear about your experience of Bristol Children’s Hospital or the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.