Donate. Stream. Help build a better future for sick kids.
Check out our Streaming Toolkit for everything you need to know about joining Jingle Jam 2023. Are you ready to get your stream on? Download your cracking new resources below.
Streamer toolkit
Handy guide
Your stream and fundraising guide.
The Grand Appeal logos
Full logo and wordmark logo.
Meet the patients you’re supporting.
Twitch banners, emotes and alerts
Design one
Includes six banners.
Design two
Includes six banners.
Design three
Includes six banners.
All three designs
Includes all 18 banners.
Three sizes, 10 designs.
Three sizes, 11 designs.
Three alerts.
Jingle Jam Toolkit and resources
Jingle Jam Toolkit
Streamer toolkit by Jingle Jam.
Jingle Jam logos
Includes three logos.
Jingle Jam banners
Includes three designs.
Our launch video
Find out where your money is going.