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Register Your Christmas Light Display

Register your light display for 'Shine Bright for Bristol Children's Hospital'

What is the address of your lights display?
If you are under 18, you will need your parent or guardian’s permission to fundraise.
Please let us know about any additional fundraising such as raffles or switch-on events.
Would you like your display to be added to our interactive lights display map?
View our interactive map: If you are unsure or wish to remove your address from our map please contact or phone 0117 927 3888.
We would like to keep you up to date about our work, fundraising, and ways you can help. Please tell us how you would like to hear from us.
You can update your preferences at any time by calling us on 0117 927 3888 or emailing We will not sell or swap your details with other charities or third parties.

For more information on how your data will be used and stored, see our privacy policy

We will primarily use email to communicate with you. By filling in this form you agree to receive non-marketing emails. Should you wish to opt-out of all email communication please get in touch by calling 0117 927 3888.


Provide vital accommodation for a family of a sick child