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Thank you

One act of kindness can change a child’s life forever. Thank you.

More patients than ever are being treated at Bristol Children’s Hospital and St Michael’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Because of you, we can give each and every child the very best chance.

Donations like yours ensure the hospital stays at the forefront of medical care, providing pioneering equipment to treat children from across the South West and beyond.

Freddie in the sensory play room

You make the hospital child-friendly, with comforting music therapy sessions and arts and play activities that help distract and entertain children going through incredibly difficult treatment.

You give parents and siblings a free and comfortable place to stay, for as long as they need it.

You fund life-saving research and equipment that changes young lives.

You provide support and advice to families during the most stressful time.

You help keep wards, units and communal areas warm and welcoming with colourful decor, prints and artwork.

Why not take part in one of our fun events and join a community of like-minded people who love to do good for sick children?

Without selfless people like you, we wouldn’t be able to support the 100,000 children treated in Bristol Children’s Hospital and the hundreds of critically ill babies treated in St Michael’s NICU every year.

Grand Appeal House quickly became home for us. It took the pressure of having to find somewhere to stay off us and meant we were around other families who knew what we were going through.

– Jon, dad of Freddie, who was treated in Bristol Children’s Hospital

When families find themselves in hospital – sometimes with bumps and scrapes, but other times in the centre of the worst moments of their lives – it’s people like you who help get them through it. Thanks to your support, we’re able to offer a range of services for all ages and abilities – from the tiniest tots to teenagers.

Little Jade, who was born at just 25 weeks old, enjoying a session of sensory play therapy – funded by people like you.

Our donors and fundraisers change lives every day – together, you make our children’s hospital one of the best in the world and we can’t thank you enough.

Provide vital accommodation for a family of a sick child