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Meet Meg: Running to Remember Her Friend

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Meg, fundraising for her friend who was treated at Bristol Children's Hospital

Meg is running the Great Bristol Half Marathon in memory of her friend, Alex, who was treated at Bristol Children’s Hospital. With the help of friends and family, Alex’s Star Tribute Fund has raised an incredible £80,000 since Alex’s passing in 2006. Meg took some time to tell us more about the motivation behind her miles…

Meg pictured with her Bristol 10k medal. Beside her is a member of staff from the Grand Appeal and Alex's mum.

This is a great way to remember Alex on what would’ve been her 35th birthday. Can you tell us a little bit about Alex and her time at Bristol Children’s Hospital?        

This year, Alex would have been turning 35; it feels like a big one. 

I didn’t get the chance to visit Alex in Bristol Children’s Hospital, but I know that the care for her and her family was second to none.

Meg, Alex’s friend

I had another friend, Laura, in Bristol’s Children’s Hospital at the same time as Alex, and I was able to visit her. I took great comfort in knowing that she was looking out for Alex. Sadly, I lost both friends within months of each other, so I try to do something each year in their memory.  

You took on the 10k last year; how do you feel about this challenge?   

Honestly? Terrified. My mum will happily confirm… I’ve never been a runner. But I’m going to give it a shot! 

Last year, Sue, Alex’s mum, bribed me with Percy Pigs to run the 10k… I couldn’t say no to Sue, could I? But we really enjoyed it on the day. This is why I thought I could push myself further this year, but unfortunately, I won’t have Sue with me this time. 

I need the support, so I’ve persuaded a friend to join me. The training is going… I haven’t run further than 10k yet, but there’s still plenty of time. I’m feeling positive… for now! 

Meg running the Bristol 10k in memory to raise money for alex's star tribute fund.

How is your fundraising going? Have you chosen to do any particular fundraising activities to reach your goal?

Alex and I met at Theatre Studio in Cheltenham all those years ago. I’m always thinking up new ways with my creative pals at The Playhouse Theatre to raise money for her Star Tribute Fund. 

I haven’t pushed the fundraising massively because we had so many generous donations last year. But in all honesty, I think that’s also because I’ve been worried that I can’t do it. So, I think now is the time to step that up and get the support and encouragement. 

What would you say to someone considering signing up for the Great Bristol Half Marathon to fundraise for The Grand Appeal?    

Just sign up! Think about the reality afterwards. That’s what I’m doing. I have no doubt I’ll feel liberated on the day, surrounded by so many other people challenging themselves for amazing causes. The atmosphere was brilliant last year.  

How does it feel to know you have helped raise a mammoth amount through the Alex Star Tribute Fund, which has already helped so many other sick children and will continue to do so?  

It’s an honour. Alex’s Star Tribute Fund has helped so many other children at Bristol Children’s Hospital. This is a testament to Sue and her family, who are at the heart of it. They have inspired and supported so many families. I feel proud to have been a part of keeping Alex’s memory alive for almost 20 years. 

Thanks to fundraising heroes like Meg, Bristol Children’s Hospital can keep delivering quality care to children across the South West.

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