Our beautiful home city, Bristol, is well known for its independent spirit. When looking at the incredible amount of local produce and products on offer, it’s clear to see.
In 2018, sisters Kate and Bethan came up with ‘Boxlocal’, bringing together artisan products from some of Bristol’s best producers in a nice and neat box that you can send to your loved ones.
With Boxlocal flourishing, Kate and Bethan decided to donate some of the profits of each box to Bristol Children’s Hospital. And we couldn’t be more thankful!
We spoke to Bethan to hear how their corporate fundraising has made a difference.
“Kate and I have always been keen to give back to our community. As a business, we have an amazing platform to raise awareness and funds for charities we care passionately about. So, supporting Bristol Children’s Hospital through The Grand Appeal was a straightforward decision for us.
Bethan, Co-founder of BoxlocalOur fundraising became personal when Kate’s son underwent several operations for a tumour. Felix spent months being cared for by the fantastic staff at the hospital. His experiences, as well as our own as his family, motivated us more.
“Since 2019, a donation from every Boxlocal sale has been made to The Grand Appeal. In December 2020, we also created our own fundraising raffle in light of Felix’s excellent care. On top of that, we gifted local goodies to hospital staff on various wards in time for Christmas 2021. In total, we’ve raised over £5,300 for this fantastic charity.

“Our fundraising journey has been brilliant. The Grand Appeal team is always exceptionally friendly, and we really value the relationship we have built over the years. It’s also had a remarkable impact on our morale and our customers and clients who know that they contribute to something thoroughly deserving.
“Our original goal was to raise money and awareness for Bristol Children’s Hospital but there have been many other positives. We have created great connections with staff, and our donations have been a talking point with our contacts. They have all felt the impact that comes with donating.
“For anyone thinking of fundraising, do not hesitate! It takes seconds to set up and can be such a brilliant way of bringing your staff together for a wonderful cause. From a business perspective, it directly affects your corporate social responsibility. That contribution will always be appreciated.”
We’re hugely proud to have Bethan, Kate, and the Boxlocal team part of our fundraising family. If you and your colleagues want to make a difference to your children’s hospital, get in touch.

And if you’re looking for some tasty treats for family and friends (or yourself), check out Boxlocal and support Bristol Children’s Hospital.