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Hospital’s young athletes win the British Transplant Games

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Meet our terrific team of transplant heroes.

With the support of Kidney Care UK, we were proud to fund this bunch of sporting superstars to attend the British Transplant Games last month, which brings together over 1000 transplant recipients and their families. The annual event is a celebration of all those who have received a transplant and those that have donated their organs to save a life.

The weekend kicked off with an opening ceremony attended by teams from across the country. Events included swimming, obstacle races, badminton, tennis, table tennis, cycling, long jump and running along with a very special Donor Run which is open to everyone, including family members.

Having all received a kidney transplant in the past, the team proudly represented the children’s hospital and brought home a stack of medals, including four golds! A huge well done to everyone involved – we hope you had a cracking time.

Grand Walk 2024 was a huge success and sold out! Don’t miss your chance to join us in 2025 for more family fun.