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Bristol Children’s Hospital celebrate local Neuroscience Festival

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Did you know Wills Memorial and Royal West of England Academy are playing host to Bristol Neuroscience Festival this month?

It’s a great way to learn about all things brain-related by meeting neuroscience students, clinicians and local organisations.

In conjunction with Royal West of England Academy, the festival is celebrating by calling on the creative talents of Bristol for a special exhibition. Luckily, we had some very talented patients at Bristol Children’s Hospital we could ask!

As part of our dedicated arts programme ‘Arts Unleashed’, children being cared for across the hospital were asked to produce artwork for the festival’s ‘Brain Art Competition’. The theme? Of course, it’s the brain!

To help patients get those creative juices flowing teachers from Bristol Grammar School kindly visited the hospital as part of their community service day.

The wonderful team of teachers from Bristol Grammar helped patients produce these smashing entries

We were so impressed by the artwork produced and it seems Royal West of England Academy was too – one patient’s work has been selected for their grand exhibition! We can’t wait to see it displayed at the Royal West of England Academy Gallery later this month.

‘Arts Unleashed’ delivers a whole host of activities, including collaborative painting, drumming classes, inclusive dance sessions, and shows from touring theatre companies, bringing light and laughter to Bristol Children’s Hospital all year round.

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