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Ashton Gate Primary School raise £2,800!

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A Bristol school have become a part of our fundraising family after raising £2,800 for Bristol Children’s Hospital to support a cause close to their hearts.

Knowing how many pupils have been touched by Bristol Children’s Hospital and its life-saving work, Ashton Gate Primary School chose to support us, The Grand Appeal, as their ‘Charity of the Year’.

When I was younger, I spent some time in the hospital and I know that it really helps to have money going into the Grand Appeal. It helps with everything from the lift to the waiting room.

Pupil – Ashton Gate School

Choosing us as your ‘Charity of the Year’ is a great way to show your pupils the power their support can have as well as encouraging people to come together by participating in plenty of fun fundraising activities.

We spoke to Lily, a teacher at Ashton Gate Primary School, to hear why raising money for Bristol Children’s Hospital was so special.

Ashton Gate School

“With so many of our pupils or their siblings being cared for at Bristol Children’s Hospital at some point, The Grand Appeal seemed the perfect choice for our Charity of the Year as a great opportunity to give back. We put it to a vote and The Grand Appeal was the clear winner from our pupils.

In December 2019, the whole school took part in Wallace & Gromit’s BIG Christmas Dress Up which was so much fun and a great way to start our fundraising journey.

Kate from The Grand Appeal even visited. Her assembly was so informative, and let our pupils know all about the fantastic work the charity does at the hospital and how much our fundraising will help. It really motivated the children to want to raise as much as they could!

Later in the year, our Year 6 pupils wanted to raise even more. They organised an entire day of fundraising including dressing up in rainbow colours, crazy hair, 80’s outfits, a raffle, and a sponsored event which saw them run laps of the playground. We set up an online fundraising page through JustGiving which meant family and friends could easily donate to show their support. The children loved checking the JustGiving page to see it going up and up which motivated them even more to fundraise!”

Ashton Gate School

And that’s what fundraising is all about isn’t it? Engaging with your friends, family and fellow fundraisers to raise money while having a great time!

Ashton Gate School cropped

We know that the hospital hasn’t been able to do any fundraising over lockdown, so we wanted to help as much as possible for children going through a really difficult time.

Pupil – Ashton Gate School

We know life at school may be a little different this year, but whatever fundraising activity you decide to take on, we’re here to help. We’ve got lots of ideas and fundraising materials to help.

We can even send you a presentation to show in assembly or we can hold a virtual Q&A session to let your pupils know how their donations can make a difference. You’ll even have the chance to get a special Gromit figurine for your school too.

Download our fundraising pack and get your school involved this year.

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